Tuesday, August 4, 2009

rubber trees and the machine to process latex

Natural rubber is made from the sap of the wild rubber tree. The bark of the tree is 'tapped', this means cutting small slits into the bark, so that the white sap, known as latex, drips out and is caught in collecting cups/plastic (picture above).

Tapping of rubber trees is done by hand.

In the past, an acid was added to the latex to make the sap set like a jelly. The latex jelly was then flattened and rolled into sheets (using the machine like pictures above) and hung out to dry by workers.


aku said...

bale weh..
banyoknye susu pokok itu.siap gune gelen..
keh dulu gune pot je..

benludin said...

nak cepat kaya...hahaha

ubilepih said...

Kondom di perbuat dari getah asli.

pokde nan said...

mese getoh teh tok nye ade doh deme di kede.kire barang antik doh nih.jage demeh.

benludin said...

mesen tebu pun buleh nak buat mesen getoh...haha

bibie_suke_sukun said...

mari kita menoreh....