My daughter expressed her spirit of celebrating the coming Eid or Hari Raya by playing with fireworks.
Eid ul-Fitr is coming again in a week time. It marks the end of Ramadhan or a month of fasting.
Eid is an Arabic word meaning "festivity", while
Fiášr means "to purify"; and so the holiday symbolizes the purification after completing the fasting month which is after the end of the Islamic month of Ramadhan, on the first day of Syawal.
Right now most of the Malaysians are heading to their
kampung to celebrate eid with their beloved families. And for those who will travel back to Lipis ( or other places) and celebrate with their family, I wish that they drive safely. Get enough sleep before you travel.
I will celebrate eid with my family in Kedah. So that i don't have the chance to shoot or photograph the celebration in Kuala Lipis.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all muslim friends
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilifitri.
Children are wearing new clothes
Bright colours fill the streets
Their faces full of laughter
Their pockets full of sweets
Let us rejoice indeed
For this is the day of Eid
Mosques are full of worshippers
in rows straight and neat
Their Lord they remember, His name they repeat
Their hands are raised to the sky
They supplicate and plead
On this blessed day
Forgive us they entreat
Let us rejoice indeed
For this is the day of Eid.
( a song by Sami Yusuf)
* i'm off for more than a week. see you guys later. cheers!!